Wombat Gully - Wombat Gully

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Wombat Gully
Misty Morning
Robyn matures her cheese here too
Here we are !
Welcome to Wombat Gully,  the home of Russell & Robyn Kelly
Wombat Gully is situated in the little hamlet of Mitta Mitta in north-east Victoria, Australia.

This site provides a compendium of some of our passions and interests (& quirks!)
And this is our webcam >>>
As well as giving the ivories a workout, Ned has re-engaged with ham radio (VK3NT) and electronic experimentation.
Also active within the local community and a life-long aviation interest.

Aviation is one of Robyn's many interests.
A past Ambulance Community Officer and active in supporting the local community.
And pretty handy with a chainsaw too !
We are both keen photographers and are always learning.  Heaps of aerial photography,  our favourite place is the Outback.
Been on a number of 'Master Classes' in the bush to hone our skills and more recently a drone has been added to the family.
The new mission is astrophotography - watch this space!

Books, Books, Books.....
We are both voracious readers and we have now run out of book shelf space.  Every available space on walls and above doors is ladden with non-fiction covering a wide range of interests including history, science, philosophy, medicine, geology, astronomy, aviation, music and dogs!  

We've even produced a few of our own ....

Runway 32
Robyn's Foxbat - VH-RWK
Great for checking out the local scenery and for photography       
A new fun aeroplane   

Mitta has a great climate with season differences that enhance the natural beauty. Local aboriginals noted five distinct seasons, the 'extra' season between spring and the rather late onset of summer.  Rainfall is predominately during spring and annual average rainfall is around 1049mm. Droughts occurred during 1901-1904 ('Federation Drought'), 1906 and 1997-2009.  Big floods occured in the Valley in 1885, 1905 and 1906 inundating houses and properties.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Current local weather observations >>

Mitta Airport
Mitta International Airport serves Air Ambulance, crop dusting, pilot training and is available for visitors to the Valley.
Permission is required for all operations and pilots should check airstrip details, weather and Conditions of Use.

Mooney M20K(231)
Our Mooney M20K(231)  VH-MZY
The "Porsche" of light aircraft that takes us on our many journeys          

Some of our non-captive menagerie of wildlife to keep us entertained
Adventurous travel (versus 'tourism') has been the theme for the past decade and we have managed to visit all 7 continents. Making the most of good health with more exciting escapades to come !

“Life is short, and the world is wide.”
Swimming with Whale Sharks
West Papua (Indonesia)
Remote PNG Villages
Easter Island
Serengeti (Tanzania)
"Wombat Gully"
Mitta Mitta,  Victoria 3701
Copyright Russell Kelly 2023
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